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Gaining Strength and Social Skills with the Whittle Gym

Miller Avenue students rock climbing. thumbnail264891
Rock climbing during the school day?

At Miller Avenue School, are enjoying rock climbing, rope climbing, crawling and swinging as the school gymnasium was transformed into Whittle Gym, a longstanding tradition.

Students maneuvered through a colorful obstacle course as they worked to improve their stamina, strength and coordination during the physical education unit. Physical education teachers Josh Bonventre and Katherine Donofrio speak to the students about safety and courtesy before they start the activities.

The course, which features a variety of obstacles to cross, climb and scale, affords students an opportunity to build their core strength while advancing their climbing skills. The Whittle Gym unit also teaches and reinforces many character education skills including working together, encouraging one another, critical thinking, goal setting and problem solving.


Click here to view the Gaining Strength and Social Skills with the Whittle Gym slideshow.


Date Added: 3/14/2025