Guidance Department

Welcome to the Guidance Department page! The counselors at Shoreham-Wading River High School are dedicated to helping students realize and achieve their personal goals. We will help students establish their educational paths and provide them with all the information necessary to succeed. We aim to create a trusting environment for our students and encourage them to speak to us with any concerns – educational or personal – so that we may help them find the appropriate assistance. Below, we have listed some important phone numbers in the event that we are not available. On this page we also included a guide for successful planning while in high school. Take a look and find out if you’re on track for success!
Contact Number: 821-8148/8149
Guidance Department NEWS/Events
Throughout the year, the Guidance Department will host several events. Information regarding these events can be found below or by calling the Guidance Department at (631) 821-8148
- Mini College Day Flyer
- Junior Conference Letter
- Junior Parent Information Night slides
- Attention Seniors: **Scholarship Information is posted on Student/Parent Square **
- New Financial Wellness Resources for Students
The SUNY Smart Track financial wellness website helps students and their families prepare not only for the academic demands of college but also to plan for the financial commitment involved in earning a degree. These tools provided by SUNY are free of charge and can aid guidance counselors and schools districts in supporting financial aid awareness among students and their families, and put them in a position to pay for college, whether they attend SUNY or not.
The website (Click Here) includes a series of brief, interactive online courses, as well as tips to prepare for college, a directory of career options in New York, information about filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, and a direct link to start the process. In addition to the tools and resources available, visitors can create a financial plan specific to the needs of 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade students.
Questions can be sent to the SUNY financial aid mailbox,
College Information
Scheduling Information
Shoreham-Wading River CEEB code is 335-186
Graduation Requirements
Important Numbers
Brookhaven Youth Bureau: 451-8011
Brookhaven Sanctuary Program: 451-8011
Suicide Hotline Response: (631) 751-7500
Runaway Hotline: (631) 781-9800
Planned Parenthood: (631) 361-7526
Alcoholics Anonymous: (631) 669-1124
LIGALY (Gay & Lesbian Support): (631) 665-2300
Suffolk County Division of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services: (631) 853-8500
Covenant House (runaway centers): 800-999-9999
Poison Information: (631) 542-2323
Peconic Bay Medical Center: (631) 548-6000
Child Abuse Hotline: 800-342-3720
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-942-6906
Emergency Hotline Numbers
Response Hotline: 631-751-7500
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
1-800- SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433
Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES)
The first BOCES was created in 1948 when a New York State law (The Intermediate School District Act) was passed. The law gives the go-ahead for certain small school districts to combine their purchasing power. Through sharing the costs of services and programs through BOCES, districts such as Shoreham-Wading River can now provide high-quality programs for students without higher costs to taxpayers. Shoreham-Wading River School District is a member of Eastern Suffolk BOCES.